10 Minute timer kit EEPROM usage 5/14/2011, Chuck Olson, WB9KZY email: wb9kzy@wb9kzy.com Here is a brief description of the EEPROM structure of the 10 Minute Timer PIC. It will allow those with a PIC programmer to change the settings without having to use the menus. Yes, it probably is possible to mess up the working of the timer chip using this information, if that happens, do a chip reset as mentioned in the notes section of the manual. EEPROM byte default(decimal)content description of byte ----------- ----------------------- ------------------- 0 10 switch timer minute delay 1 0 switch timer second delay 2 0 up timer minute delay 3 30 up timer second delay 4 1 down timer minute delay 5 0 down timer second delay 6 20 code speed (or qrss dit length) 7 146 various timer settings: 1 bit 7 TCK? 1=on 0=off 0 bit 6 RTG? 1=on 0=off 0 bit 5 POL? 1=output on 0=output off 1 bit 4 KEY? 1=keying on 0=keying off 0 bit 3 QRS? 1=qrss on 0=qrss off 0 bit 2 FST? 1=fast set menu 0=normal menu 1 bit 1 sleep 1=sleep off 0=sleep on see notes section of manual 1 bit 0 unused 8 16 command speed 9 depends on user start of message message is stored as an ASCII string of characters one byte = one character, message ends with a 0 byte (zero)