The Battery Saver kit
May 20, 2018 back in stock
got a project that eats 9V batteries ?
(or any other battery from 3 to 14 volts)
simple hardware timer, pushbutton activated
shuts off the power after a 17 or 37 minute delay
(approximate - selectable with resistor change)
good intro to surface mount with two easy to solder
surface mount parts and four through hole parts
low standby power (less than 1 ua at 9 V)
small size ( .9 by .6 inches)
new silk screened, solder masked board
price is $5 plus postage/handling
Printed manuals available for an additional charge or save money by downloading
(Right click/save target as)
and printing the
manual ,
schematic and
hookup diagram
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with any questions/comments.
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or try our: javascript order form to let your browser do the math!
Downloadable files for the Battery Saver
The Acrobat files of complex diagrams (like the Battery Saver schematic) may not
view well on your computer screen - suggestion: use the magnifier to zoom in
for better detail or print out the file.
batsavtb.jpg - Battery Saver top picture
battsavs.pdf - Battery Saver schematic
battsavm.pdf - Battery Saver manual
battsahu.pdf - Battery Saver Hookup diagram
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