Keyer Accessory kit - revived/improved 5/28/2019
March 28, 2023: SSR is now $7 due to parts price increases, see Kit order form for pricing
March 4, 2022: a Schottky diode will now be included with the kit at no extra charge,
please connect the banded end to +VI or +Vin on the board and the other end to the battery connector positive terminal
Download(right click - save target as) the the mod doc
05/21/2020: put a PK-4 demo video on Youtube which features the PICPADL and the Keyer Accessory kit.
Click picture for a larger view:
The keyer accessory kit is a circuit board with
a low power voltage regulator AND a high voltage
keying circuit, similar to the Keyall HV, which
is the perfect addition to any keyer or circuit that doesn't have
a voltage regulator or a high voltage (for cathode or grid block tube rigs) keying output.
The Solid State Relay is rated at 120 mA and 400 V. Some
cathode keyed rigs such as the Knight T-150
may require the Keyall HV
due to larger than 120 mA currents. If in
doubt, measure the current and voltage with
your rig.
kit available with or without the SSR (solid state relay)
choice of three differnt voltage regulators:
The LM2936 is a virtually bulletproof 5 volt regulator with a standby current of about 7 uA.
The Seiko S812C30 is a 3 volt regulator with a standby current of about 1 uA.
The Seiko S812C50 is a 5 volt regulator with a standby current of about 1 uA.
The circuit board is about 0.9 by 0.7 inches and has
one mounting hole sized for 4-40 hardware (1/8 inch)
LED makes it easy to monitor current usage, indicates when the keyer is sleeping
printed documents are NOT included, please print/view your own from the pdf files provided
Download(right click - save target as) the the mod doc
Download(right click - save target as) the manual ,
and schematic
to view or print your own.
Print out a Kit order form to figure your order manually
or try our: javascript order form to let your browser do the math!
original 2005-2007 Keyer Accessory kit docs:
manual and
both in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format.
original 2005-2007 kit
For any questions, please send an email to me, Chuck Olson, WB9KZY at:
with your question.
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