[RMK keyer chip picture]


NEW (11/15/2002) - RMK keyer chip

9/15/05 If you don't need pot speed control, consider the new RMK QNP keyer chip and save

The RMK is an upgrade for the Small Wonder Labs Rock-Mite stock keyer chip. It offers:

  • 4 wpm to over 40 wpm speed range
  • pot or paddle speed control
  • two 60 character, non-volatile memories (settings saved without power)
  • iambic a or b modes
  • Bug mode
  • Autospace mode
  • Beacon mode
  • Reverse paddle mode
  • 5 dit-dah tune mode

  • chip price (no manual) price is $6 + shipping/handling
    Printed manual is available for an additional charge or save money by downloading (Right click/save target as) and printing the manual and the schematic

    Print out a Kit order form to figure your order manually
    or try our: javascript order form to let your browser do the math!

    Downloadable files for RMK

    The Acrobat files of complex diagrams (like the schematic) may not view well on your computer screen - suggestion: use the magnifier to zoom in for better detail or print out the file.

    rmk4a.pdf (28k) - an Acrobat file of the RMK manual

    rmksch2.pdf (9k) - an Acrobat file of the RMK schematic

    rmkmenu.pdf (5k) - RMK menu from Chuck Carpenter, W5USJ

    RMKkeyer.pdf (112k) - Use your RMK as a standalone keyer from Larry, WB5CXC

    rmkhist.txt (1k) - a text file of the version history of the RMK firmware

    rmktips.htm (4k) - tips for the RMK

    rmkalone.pdf (24k) - ideas for standalone RMK operation

    rockmul.jpg (174k) - a picture of my Rock Mite modified for the RMK - the small 13 mm Mouser 100 k pot / knob are shown - the Rock Mite is housed in an Altoids tin. Many of the connections to the Rock Mite were made with pin sockets to allow easier removal from the tin as needed.

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