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NEW (07/03/2019) - SMT Zerobeat - a zerobeat indicator kit using surface mount technology
Need other parts to complete your kit ? Please see the: switch and parts page
The SMT Zerobeat is an update of the Grandson of Zerobeat kit
SMT Zerobeat kit has 9 LEDs which graphically indicate the frequency of a received CW audio tone (a 10th LED signal LED is also included). Adjust your transceiver's
frequency until the green LED lights up and you are within +/- 10 Hz of zero beat with the transmitting station.
one pot audio detector setting
default offset frequency is 600 Hz
OR set the offset frequency from 400 to 1200 Hz with an optional switch press and hold
board size: 2 by 2 inches
reverse the "direction" of the LED frequency indication with an optional switch press and release
lower power consumption than the Grandson of Zerobeat kit, about 15 mA max
all board mounted parts included with kit
just add your enclosure, power jack, audio jack and optional switch to complete the kit
printed documents are NOT included, please print/view your own from the pdf files provided
Kit price (No manual) is $22 + shipping/handling
Scroll down for the manual, schematic and other acrobat files for this kit
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Downloadable files for SMT Zerobeat
smtzbman.pdf - an Acrobat file of the SMT Zerobeat manual
smtzbsch.pdf - an Acrobat file of the SMT Zerobeat schematic
smtzbdia.pdf - an Acrobat file of the Grandson of Zerobeat parts placement
smtzbhu.pdf - an Acrobat file of the Grandson of Zerobeat hookup picture
smtzbcased.jpg - picture of the prototype in a clear top 115 x 90 x 55 mm plastic case from ebay