The Grandson of Zerobeat is an update of the original Son of Zerobeat kit
Grandson of Zerobeat has 9 LEDs which graphically indicate the frequency of a received CW audio tone. Adjust your transceiver's
frequency until the two center green LEDs light up and you are within +/- 10 Hz of zero beat with the transmitting station.
The Acrobat files of complex diagrams (like the schematic) may not view well on your computer screen - suggestion: use the magnifier to zoom in for better detail or print out the file.
gzbmana.pdf (87k) - an Acrobat file of the Grandson of Zerobeat manual
gzbmodop.pdf (45k) - an Acrobat file of the Grandson of Zerobeat optional modification ideas
gzbsch2.pdf (99k) - an Acrobat file of the Grandson of Zerobeat schematic
Note: Firefox can't "see" the schematic for some reason, try a right click & save link as to download the schematic and view it with Acrobat
if that doesn't work, please email me and I can attach a copy of the schematic to the reply
gzbdia.pdf (250k) - an Acrobat file of the Grandson of Zerobeat parts placement
gzbhu.pdf (95k) - an Acrobat file of the Grandson of Zerobeat hookup picture
rp_gzb.jpg (238k) - Thank you to K9LW, for sending a picture of his Grandson of Zerobeat in an LMB MDC-432 slant top enclosure
Dick put a hole over the trim pot for easy adjustment of the level set.
The MDC-432 is plain aluminum, 4 inches deep, 3 inches wide and 2 inches tall at the back, Digi-key has them, L122-ND
DSC_0124.JPG (648k) - a picture of the Grandson of Zerobeat prototype in a clear top enclosure
Note: the false colors of the detector LED and the center green LEDs is due to a time exposure
gzerbfix.txt (2k) - a text file to help in fixing a Grandson of Zerobeat kit
gzbmodem.pdf (139k) - an Acrobat file of an EMI fix for the Grandson of Zerobeat kit