Ham Radio KITS - TOP PAGE - Washington Island BOOKS

SOLD OUT - July 14, 2015 - Please check out the new Grandson of Zerobeat kit, now in stock !

NEW (01/29/2002) - Son of Zerobeat

[Son of Zerobeat circuit board picture - click for larger version] Son of Zerobeat is our version of the original Zerobeat project published in Circuit Cellar Magazine in 1996 by Ed Nisley, KE4ZNU.

Son of Zerobeat has 7 LEDs which graphically indicate the frequency of a received CW audio tone. Adjust your transceiver's frequency until the center green LED lights and you are within +/- 10 Hz of zero beat with the transmitting station.

  • one pot audio detector setting
  • board size (2 by 1.5 inches)
  • offset frequency setable from 400 to 1200 Hz with a switch press
  • default offset frequency is 600 Hz
  • all board mounted parts including machine pin sockets come with kit
  • just add your metal enclosure, +12V power jack, audio jack and switch to complete the kit
  • 5/22/2016 - Artur, CT1FRC, has created another professional video of his Son of Zerobeat kit this time with the Kenwood TS480SAT, thanks again Artur !
  • Dennis, W0JP, sent this: video of his kit, Thanks Dennis !
  • 12/29/2014 - Artur, CT1FRC, created this very professional video of his Son of Zerobeat kit with his Ten-Tec Eagle rig, thanks Artur !
  • Daniel, ON3DDR, provided this neat video of his Son of Zerobeat kit, thanks Daniel !

  • Download the manual - parts placement diagram and schematic and save $3 by printing your own!

    Note that the board plating appears corroded, however it should not affect soldering.
    Suggestion from a customer: use a brass brush to shine up the bottom traces before soldering.

    Downloadable files for Son of Zerobeat

    The Acrobat files of complex diagrams (like the schematic) may not view well on your computer screen - suggestion: use the magnifier to zoom in for better detail or print out the file.

    szbmodop.pdf (6k) - an Acrobat file of optional modifications to the Son of Zerobeat

    zerob8.pdf (65k) - an Acrobat file of the Son of Zerobeat manual

    zerobsch.pdf (33k) - an Acrobat file of the Son of Zerobeat schematic

    zerobdi2.pdf (90k) - an Acrobat file of the Son of Zerobeat parts placement diagram

    zbhookut.pdf (31k) - an Acrobat file of the Son of Zerobeat hookup diagram

    zerbfix.txt (2k) - a text file to help in fixing a Son of Zerobeat

    zbpict2.pdf (155k) - an Acrobat file of the Son of Zerobeat annotated picture

    bigzb.jpg (229k) - a larger picture of the Son of Zerobeat circuit board

    Ham Radio KITS - TOP PAGE - Washington Island BOOKS

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