The Island Memory was an add-on memory keying unit that can be added to many of the popular morse code keyers used today. It connects to your compatible keyer via 5 wires: power, ground, keyer output, dit and dah paddles. It keys your keyer the way you do, it actuates the dit or dah input of the keyer and then "listens" for the keyer output. The Island Memory records messages as you send them with your keyer.
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Morse Express may still have some Island Memory kits along with a hardware pack of the extra components you'll need to finish your Island Memory.
islemem.htm (3k) - a text file with more information on the Island Memory
islemem3.pdf (27k)- an Acrobat file of the Island Memory manual
islemem1.pdf (80k)- an Acrobat file of the schematic for the Island Memory
imem.gif (24k) - download a picture of the Island Memory
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