(06/08/2000) The PK-2 Keyer has sold out.

The still available PK-3 kit is an updated version of the PK-2.

pk2v43.txt (3k) has the changes made in the last PK-2 firnware update.

The PK-2 is a Morse code iambic keyer which offers:

[PK-2 board picture]

  • pot or paddle speed control, 5 to 39 WPM
  • two 52 character memories and a callsign memory
  • OR optionally one 52, two 26 and one 10 character memories
  • pin compatible with Tick or K8 keyers except pin 2 (pot)
  • mode A or B Iambic keying
  • beacon mode, variable delay, up to 60 seconds
  • one touch CQ using callsign memory
  • speed readout - sends code speed via the sidetone
  • low standby power (about 6 ua at 5 V, with regulator)
  • low active power (1.5 ma max. at 5 V, with regulator)
  • small size (1 by 1.5 inches)

  • View the manual for more information on the kit.

    Comments (in Japanese) on the PK-2 by: Junichi Nakajima, JL1KRA http://www.qsl.net/je2cdc/tick/kra-pk2.htm

    Japanese PK-2 manual by: Junichi Nakajima, JL1KRA http://www.crl.go.jp/ka/radioastro/people/nakajima/PK2-JP.pdf

    Downloadable files for the PK-2

    The Acrobat files of complex diagrams (like the PK-2 schematic) may not view well on your computer screen - suggestion: use the magnifier to zoom in for better detail or print out the file.

    pk2nc20.txt (5k) - a text file of comments on using the PK-2 with the Norcal 20 or Red Hot Radio

    pk2a.pdf (66k) - an Acrobat file of the PK-2 schematic

    pk2qpdf.pdf (39k) - an Acrobat file of the latest PK-2 manual

    pk2scan.jpg (7k) - download a picture of the PK-2 Keyer

    pk2.jpg (10k) - download a different picture of the PK-2 Keyer

    apntpk2a.pdf (52k) - an Acrobat file of the PK-2 application note

    modeab.pdf (8k) - an Acrobat file explaning the differences between Iambic mode A and B

    pk2man.pdf (37k) - an Acrobat file of the original PK-2 manual

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