Ham Radio KITS - TOP PAGE - Washington Island BOOKS

NEW (Jan. 19, 2022) - Grandson of Zerobeat kit, HP LED array version with case

June 28, 2024: Due to parts cost increases the kit price is now $45

[Grandson of Zerobeat Encased picture - click for larger version] The Grandson of Zerobeat HP LED array version with case is an update of the Grandson of Zerobeat kit which has a daughter board for the HP LED array which is mounted in a Davies Molding 220 bakelite box (4" x 2.875" x 1.56")

Grandson of Zerobeat has 10 LEDs which graphically indicate the frequency of a received CW audio tone. Adjust your transceiver's frequency until the two green LEDs light up and you are within +/- 10 Hz of zero beat with the transmitting station.

  • uses an HP multi-color (red-red-yellow-yellow-green-green-yellow-yellow-red-red) LED array
  • dimming option is included (user may drill an access hole in the top of the enclosure for ready access to the dimming pot)
  • one pot audio detector setting
  • case size: 4 x 2.875 x 1.56 inches
  • note that enclosure box is New Old Stock and may require cleaning and/or filing (sanding) before use
  • black aluminum top, predrilled, silk screened
  • for those fussy about appearance: note that the silk screening isn't quite perfect in this version
  • reverse the "direction" of the LED frequency indication with a switch press and release
  • set the offset frequency from 400 to 1200 Hz with a switch press and hold
  • default offset frequency is 600 Hz
  • OR just request by email before ordering to have your kit preset to your favorite CW center frequency
  • all parts included with kit
  • printed documents are NOT included, please print/view your own from the pdf files provided
  • Kit price (No manual) is $45 + shipping/handling

  • Scroll down for the manual, schematic and other acrobat files for this kit

    Print out a Kit order form to figure your order manually
    or try our: javascript order form to let your browser do the math!

    Inquire via email with any kit questions:

    HP LED array Zerobeat demo video on Youtube - a short Youtube video of the Grandson of Zerobeat HP LED array encased kit

    Downloadable files for Grandson of Zerobeat

    The Acrobat files of complex diagrams (like the schematic) may not view well on your computer screen - suggestion: use the magnifier to zoom in for better detail or print out the file.

    gzbhpencman2.pdf - an Acrobat file of the HP LED array Grandson of Zerobeat enclosure manual

    gzbramanhp2.pdf - an Acrobat file of the HP LED Array Grandson of Zerobeat RA manual

    gzbrahpdiag.pdf - an Acrobat file of the HP LED Array Grandson of Zerobeat RA parts placement

    hpgzbsch.pdf - an Acrobat file of the HP LED Array Grandson of Zerobeat RA schematic

    Note: Firefox can't "see" the schematic for some reason, try a right click & save link as to download the schematic and view it with Acrobat
    if that doesn't work, please email me and I can attach a copy of the schematic to the reply

    gzbramodop.pdf - an Acrobat file of the Grandson of Zerobeat RA optional modification ideas

    Ham Radio KITS - TOP PAGE - Washington Island BOOKS