NEW (4/14/2010) - PK-AM kit
AM Morse code transmitter, PIC based
inspired by the EELB by Chuck McManis
nominal frequency is 1000 kHz, can be varied from about 750 kHz to 1400 kHz
variable sidetone frequency
includes a memory keyer with beacon mode
straight key input
optional pot speed control
add a 3 cell battery, enclosure, switch, jacks, optional speed pot and 3 meter wire to complete the kit
also has CW straight key mode
low power, uses less than 1 uA when sleeping (5 volt supply)
kit includes circuit board & components shown
Size is .7 x 1.5 inches
Kit price is $9.00 plus $3.00 shipping/handling in USA
PK-AM PIC chip alone is $3.00 (includes an LED and 240 ohm resistor)
Convert the PK-AM to a keyer with the PK-AM keyer PIC chip for $3.00 (includes a NPN transistor, 4.7k ohm resistor and a .01 uF capacitor)
Add $3 to above price for Worldwide (DX) orders
Download (right click, save target as) the manual ,
schematic ,
hookup diagram ,
in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format.
For the PK-AM keyer chip mod, download (right click, save target as) the manual ,
schematic ,
hookup diagram ,
in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format.
To purchase the PK-AM kit, print out a Kit
order form to figure your order manually
or try our: javascript order form
to let your browser do the math!
OR to pay with a credit card use the Paypal shopping cart buttons below.
Pay me securely with your credit card through PayPal! |
For larger quantity purchases, to combine with other items, for DX purchase price
or for any other questions, please send an email to me, Chuck Olson, WB9KZY at:
wb9kzy at wb9kzy dot com
with your question or the items you want and we'll email you a Paypal invoice.
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