The WB9KZY ham radio project page
Here are some ham radio related projects that you can
build - most use PIC microcontrollers, especially the 16F84. Source
code is provided so that the builder can understand and customize the
project. I use the Microchip MPASM assembler program. I'd appreciate hearing any comments or questions
- Please send them by e-mail to:
Best Regards,
Chuck Olson, WB9KZY, Jackson Harbor Press
07/16/2020 - Revised the comments in the source for the Morse keyboard.
The original PIC pinout comments swapped the keyer dit and keyer output pins (the pdf schematic was correct). Thanks to Henry, ZS5HR, for
finding this error.
12/14/2004 - A brief article on a
Memory Doubler for the Elecraft K2 is now available. This is a
fairly simple hardware mode to get twice as many memories in your K2.
11/30/2004 - the
SMT board is now available for sale. This is a new version of the
previously offered board, shown below. The 48 TQFP package is omitted
but several other package styles are offered on the 5 sub boards -
these sub boards can be snapped apart.
11/14/2004 - tried the
Palm Keyboard PIC source code with a Palm V keyboard, it works but
be aware that the Palm V keyboard is NOT compatible with the
Palm Keyboard interface board which is intended for the Palm m100/III/VII
keyboard. I soldered small pin sockets to the Palm V keyboard
and then used short jumper wires to connect to the PIC board.
03/04/2004 - Added the
Palm Keyboard interface board page and the
Palm Keyboard PIC source code as a new project.
10/20/2003 - Added the
Island Keyboard kit documentation to the project page - the kit has been
09/28/2003 - the 16F84 parts have sold out - if you are interested
in any of the projects, I can probably port (transfer) them to the less
expensive 16F628 part, email
if interested.
03/12/2003 - the SMT boards have sold out - please email
you are interested in new SMT prototype boards.
07/29/2001 - I have a limited number of surface mount IC
prototyping / experimenting boards for sale. As seen below, the
board is a plated thru, fiberglass board. It
has 4 SMT patterns (on one side)
for the following SMT packages:
one 48 TQFP (Analog Devices 9830 DDS)
one 28 SSOP (Analog Devices 9850 DDS)
two 16 TSSOP (Analog Devices 9832,5 DDS)
Click here for more info on ordering the smt board.
02/04/2003 - Added the
Memdoub 2 kit documentation to the project page - the kit has been
02/11/2002 - Added the
Island Memory kit documentation to the project page - the kit has been
11/29/2001 - Revised the code (40k) for the Morse keyboard. The original program would send a brief "glitch" (about .3 ms long) at the start of a code element when used with a
Tick or PK-Basic keyer chip. The PK-3 keyer chip didn't have a problem.
11/06/2001 - Revised the schematic (138k) for the PC interface to the SSS frequency counter. The tone decoder filter now uses a 51k ohm resistor instead of the original 10k resistor.
11/3/2001 - Altered the program siggen3a.asm (37k) (AD9850 DDS based VFO by Curtis Preuss, WB2V, as converted and modified by Bruce Stough, AA0ED, and
Craig Johnson, AA0ZZ) to add tunable, eeprom stored memories.
Two versions are included for both the 16F84 and the 16F628.
10/25/2001 - Revised the programs (138k) for the PC to SSS frequency counter. There
are now 3 different compiled Qbasic programs for each of the lpt port addresses.
09/03/2001 - (54K) - Source code and schematic for
the Muter - A PIC based Infrared Remote controlled relay using a remote control
setup for a Sony TV. Please email if you need to purchase a programmed PIC.
08/21/2001 - Ideas for the Arizona ScQRPions SSS frequency counter
kit - Click HERE (6 kb) for a copy of an email sent to the qrp-l email list on the subject
of ideas for modifying and using the SSS kit. Click HERE
for a zip file with the
Qbasic software and schematic for the PC to SSS interface. Click
HERE (7 kb) OR
HERE (7 kb) for an example
of a frequency plot done with the PC to SSS interface.
X axis is time after VFO powerup in minutes, Y axis is drift in Hertz.
08/02/2001 - Martin Clausen has created and released free versions of both a
high voltage ( 13V )
and a low voltage (ISP 5V )
programmer for the PIC flash parts (16F87x, 16f62x, 16F84).
08/02/2001 - (65K) - Source code and schematic for an
updated Morse code speedometer. The resolution of the timer has been improved to 10 us. A 0.5 wpm
LED was added to the circuit and also the PIC will now report the element length in 10 us chunks
via the piezo (in Morse code). The programmed (or blank) 16F84 is available from
Jackson Harbor Press.
07/28/2001 - Here is a brief post
made to the Ham-PIC email list
concerning the 16F628 PIC - any users of the 16F84 should read it ;)
02/18/2000 - (41K) - Source code and schematic for a PIC 16F84
based Morse code keyboard interface for your keyer - uses a keyer or keyer chip (the PK-3 will work fine ;)
along with an external serial eeprom chip and an IBM compatible PC AT keyboard to send
Morse code. Up to 10 memories are available. It will function without the serial eeprom with
two 31 character memories to try out the design. The serial eeprom adds another 8 memories of up to
255 characters. The serial eeprom is available from Digi-Key.
The programmed (or blank) 16F84 is available from Jackson Harbor Press
There is now a KIT version of this project called the
Island Keyboard .
02/08/2000 - (59K) - Source code and schematic for a PIC 16F84
based 10 minute ID timer / beacon. It uses the PIC along a piezo speaker and a keying transistor to
accurately time 10 minutes for ID purposes. The delay can be programmed for any length from 0 to
99 minutes, 59 seconds. At the end of the delay a Morse code message of up to 60 bytes is sent. During the
delay time, an LED is "winked" and optionally, the piezo speaker is "clicked" once a second.
The programmed (or blank) 16F84 is available from Jackson Harbor Press
01/31/2000 - (64K) - Source code and schematic for a PIC 16F84
based Morse code speedometer. It uses the PIC along with either a piezo speaker or a 2 digit LED to
display the speed of a Morse code stream. The programmed (or blank) 16F84 is available from Jackson Harbor Press
01/12/2000 - (63K) - Source code and schematic for a PIC 16F84
based straight key memory - uses an RC clock along with an external serial eeprom to record and play
Morse code messages recorded with your key, keyer or bug. It will function without the serial eeprom
to try out the design. The serial eeprom is available from Digi-Key.
The programmed (or blank) 16F84 is available from Jackson Harbor Press
01/06/2000 - (104K) - Source code and schematic for a PIC 16F84
based tone generator - uses an RC clock along with an 8 bit R-2R DAC to generate a
shaped, keyable sine wave variable frequency audio oscillator. It's suitable for code practice or sidetone
with the addition of an external audio amplifier and speaker.
The programmed (or blank) 16F84 is available from Jackson Harbor Press
10/28/99 - (53K) - Source code and schematic for a PIC 16F84
based marker generator - uses a 10 MHz crystal to generate gated markers at 250, 100, 50, 25, 10 and 5 KHz.
The programmed (or blank) 16F84 is available from Jackson Harbor Press
10/26/99 markers.pdf - (70k) Examining and Modifying Marker Generator Output -
a 5 page article on marker generator output spectrum and how it can be modified by changing the
duty cycle of the waveform. A simple 1 IC circuit is presented for creating narrow pulses triggered by
the leading edge of a square wave marker generator. A version of this circuit is also
included for the VE3DNL marker generator.
10/26/99 - (46K) - Source code and schematic for a PIC 12C509
based marker generator - uses a 4 MHz crystal to generate gated markers at 100, 50, 25, 10 and 5 KHz.
This code is a slight modification of the 16F84 code above for the smaller
and cheaper 12C509 - it should also work with the 12C508 device although this hasn't been tried.
Inquire by e-mail to:
if you
are interested in a programmed chip.
10/25/99 - (56K) - Source code and schematic for a PIC 16F84
based marker generator - uses a 4 MHz crystal to generate gated markers at 100, 50, 25, 10 and 5 KHz.
The programmed (or blank) 16F84 is available from Jackson Harbor Press
SOLD OUT!! The following kits have sold out - the kit documentation is downloadable for building your own version.
VE3DNL Marker Generator - 12/18/98 - The VE3DNL Marker generator is no longer available -
This neat little circuit uses 1 IC and a crystal to generate markers at 5, 10, 20 and 40 KHz.
PK-2 keyer kit - 06/08/2000 - the PK-2 keyer kit is no longer available
The PK-3 keyer kit is the suggested replacement.
Island Memory kit - 02/11/2002 - the Island Memory kit has been discontinued.
Memory Doubler 2 kit - 02/04/2003 - the MD2 kit has been discontinued.
Island Keyboard kit - 10/20/2003 - the Island Keyboard kit has been discontinued.
We now accept credit cards via Paypal!! 5/6/2000
All contents copyright 1999,2000, Jackson Harbor Press
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